

Thursday, August 7, 2014

For Emma

“But blessed is the man who trusts me, God,

the woman who sticks with God.

They’re like trees replanted in Eden,

putting down roots near the rivers—

Never a worry through the hottest of summers,

never dropping a leaf,

Serene and calm through droughts,

bearing fresh fruit every season.”
Jeremiah 17:7-8 (MSG)

You shared this scripture on Instagram yesterday.  When I saw it I told you how much it meant to me, too.  I showed you my bracelet and said, “See, I wear this silver tree on my wrist to remind me every day.” 

I realize now that I should have said more.  I should have told WHY those old, poetic words from far gone days are burned into my soul.  I should have said, “They changed me forever.” 

I suppose I didn’t want to sound silly.  Who does that?  Who lives their life every day as if all of it is one big metaphor for a single verse in scripture? Something that was written a few thousand years ago and isn’t really about me at all.  I know that and so do you.  We took the same Hebrew Bible class at the same seminary in the exact same classroom (though over a decade apart.)  Smart Christians don’t read into scripture things that aren’t there.  We don’t take it apart verse by verse and apply the ones we like, discard the ones we don’t.  Smart Christians understand historical context and ancient Mesopotamian world-views and smart Christians don’t extrapolate twenty-first century meaning from words that weren’t written for us or even about us.  (Secretly, I’m finding myself becoming less and less a smart Christian and that’s ok with me.)

If I had been brave, this is what I would have said:  This scripture has transformed me.  In a way that defies explanation, these words have been Spirit words, holy and alive, redefining my own sense of self. 

Blessed is she who trusts in me, God….she will be like a tree planted by the water, sending out roots in the stream….

It hit me like a brick one day.  Trusting in God means standing still.  It means that we cease striving.  We stop wondering where we are going and if we are moving in the right direction.  We don’t think of ourselves as always one wrong decision away from not serving God.  We stop defining ourselves by what we do, what we believe, or where we go. 

Blessed is she who trusts in me, God….she will be like a tree planted by the water, sending out roots in the stream….

If we are like a tree that is planted in God, then we are no longer trying to find ourselves in our husband, our children, our career, or our home.  Instead, we find ourselves in the deep, deep mystery of God’s grace.  And bit by bit our roots go further into that beautiful abyss of love that is God.   

Blessed is she who trusts in me, God….she will be like a tree planted by the water, sending out roots in the stream….

So we stand by the Living Waters and decide that this place, the heart of God is going to be our dwelling place. 

We plant ourselves next to Jesus himself and let our roots go down deep, deeper, and deeper still. 

Then, before we realize it, something beautiful begins to happen…

We begin to stand taller. 

We grow stronger. 

Storms come and go, winds blow, but we are not afraid.

We are not afraid because we have been transformed into daughters of God Most High and we know there is no greater place to be than where we are right now.  No better person to be than the person we are right now.  No task more important than simply growing in God’s grace.  

Never a worry through the hottest of summers,

never dropping a leaf,

Serene and calm through droughts,

bearing fresh fruit every season.

This is what I wish I had known all those years ago when I was where you are now and I am sorry I didn’t share this last night, but you know how it is…we had a very important TV show to watch and watching TV is infinitely easier than sharing your heart.    

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